
A Fixture Layout file should include the following required data:

NOTE: These columns are required to import the fixture layout. X and Y position are required columns, but can be left empty for fixtures. This will allow you to add the fixture to the project, but not the layout.

The following columns are optional, and if not provided, the default will be used.

The following can be set for any columns to ignore them.

Importing Fixtures with no position

You can import a fixture without any position information. This will create the fixture within the project, but won't place an instance of the fixture on a layout.

NOTE: The text file still requires X and Y columns to import.

Importing Custom Properties

If you have Custom Properties setup within your project, these can be imported by adding a column to your text file containing this data. The Custom Property will be available in the Column Property drop down.


The data below will import 4 LED - RGB 8-Bit fixtures in a line and add them to various groups.

Fixture number,Groups,Manufacturer ID,Model ID,X,Y
1,"{1,'Group 1'}{4,'Group\'s Group'}",0,5,960,960
2,"{2,'My 2nd Group'}{4,'Group\'s Group'}",0,5,1440,960
3,"{3,'Group with \ in'}{4,'Group\'s Group'}",0,5,1920,960
4,"{4,'Group\'s Group'}",0,5,0,240,240,2400,960