Fixture Browser Layout area Scene Browser Fixture Parameter settings Layout Toolbar Scene Properties



Scene allows you to create single effects on any fixture within the project. These Scenes can be used later within Timelines or played back individually using triggering. These Scenes can control the following parameters either with static values or wave based effects:

NOTE: Scenes are not available for the VLC/VLC+

Scene Management

Scenes are managed in the Scene browser in the right hand section of the Scene View.

From here you can create new scenes, delete scenes and sort scenes into folders.

To create a new scene
To delete a Scene


To create a New Scene Folder

Scene Properties

The transition options below are a default and can be overridden when placed on a timeline. If the scene is run from an action, these default values will be used.

Scene Contents

To control a fixture in a scene

Select a fixture in the layout in the centre of the view. The fixture will get a red border to indicate selection.

Only fixtures with programming on them in a Scene will be controlled by the scene.

Once you add control of a parameter to a fixture it will get a blue border.

To directly control the colours of a fixture

Some fixtures within a Scene allow control of non-RGB/CMY colours directly within the Colour control. Choosing Direct Control with a fixture that supports additional colours to RGB will provide direct control of these colours

To add control of a parameter group

Locate the parameter group which contains the parameter you want to control.

Use the appropriate controls within the parameter group to set the value/s for the required parameter.

Static values

Within a parameter group, there will be controls for each parameter, either with buttons for specific values or a slider for a range of values.


If you want to run an effect on the parameter, use the FX button to apply a wave effect to the parameter.

Position Effects

Clicking the FX button in the Position tab presents options for position effects when using fixtures with pan and tilt. The following parameters are available.


The shape of the path the fixture will follow.


The direction in which the fixture moves around the shape.


How long the fixture takes to complete one circuit of the shape in seconds.


Whether the fixture completes a circuit of the shape once or loops. Or, if using multiple fixtures, whether they all complete the shape simultaneously, spread, or one after the other.

To remove control of a parameter group

Locate the parameter group that you want to remove and select the Knockout button. This will remove the selected parameters from the Scene.

Scene Simulation

When you are creating a Scene, the Scene will be simulated within the Scene view, and the Simulate view.

This will be held until the Clear Editor button is clicked, allowing you to visualise a Scene and a Timeline in Simulate at the same time.

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