Intensity Adjustment

Within Expert, there are two ways for users to alter intensity in playback – Mastering and Overriding. Both have different effects on how the fixtures will react and are useful in different situations.

With Intensity Mastering, the intensity will scale by the intensity master set. For instance, you have two fixtures in a Space; one playing at 100% intensity, the other 50% intensity. If you then master the Space to 50%, the first fixture will go to 50%, the other at 25%. This is useful for keeping the relative levels between different fixtures. Intensity Mastering can only be used to lower the intensity of a fixture; a 100% intensity master is simply the fixtures doing what they were expecting to do beforehand, and an intensity master cannot increase over 100%.

With Intensity Overriding, the intensity will be forced to the level set. For instance, the same fixtures as before, one at 100% intensity, the other at 50% intensity; if these have an intensity override of 50% applied to them, both fixtures will then display at 50% intensity. Intensity overrides will ignore the intensity levels set by active Scenes, and can be used in cases where you need to be able to set your fixtures to an exact value, whether higher or lower than the current level.

Overriding can also be used for Colour Overrides, which force the fixtures in the designated space to take on a new RGB colour. If the fixture supports more parameters than just RGB, the Expert Control will automatically set the other parameters as appropriate.