
When you Upload, Designer will check things like triggers and hardware configuration to make sure that there are no inconsistencies. If any issues are found, the Issues tab will be opened automatically and a description of each issue will be listed so that you can take corrective action (or you can ignore and proceed if you like):

Issue - '?' will provide the specific details: Solution:
Controller '?' isn't associated with a physical controller Associate the Controller, see Controller association
Controller '?' is associated with serial number '?', which isn't found on the network Connect the Controller, see Controller connection
Controller '?' has an IP address clash Check the Controller's IP settings don't clash with any other devices on the network, see Controller configuration
Controller '?' is found on the network but has the wrong firmware Update the Controller's firmware, see Controller connection
Controller '?' is on the wrong network Change the Controller's IP settings, see Controller configuration
Controller '?' uses the same network for management and protocol ports LPC X network interfaces must be connected to the same physical network if they are both on the same IP network. This issue serves as a reminder.
The time server cannot support all of the RIO Ds in the project There are more RIO Ds in the project than the Controller set as the time server can support, see DALI.
Controller '?' new location information will make internal clock differ from local time The PC running Designer and the Controller are in different time zones, see Location
Controller '?' internal clock differs from local time by greater than 5 minutes Synchronize the Controller's realtime clock to the PC, see date and time
Controller '?' has Reset to Defaults DIP switch set Clear the DIP switch setting (for factory testing use only)
Controller '?' has disable hardware watchdog DIP switch set Clear the DIP switch setting (for factory testing use only)
Controller '?' has serial debug DIP switch set Clear the DIP switch setting (for factory testing use only)
Controller '?' has configuration for a '?' module that is not attached to physical controller '?' Attach the Expansion Module
Controller '?' doesn't have configuration for a '?' module that is attached to physical controller '?' Module attached to the wrong Controller, move it or reconfigure
Controller '?' has no DMX fixtures patched to it Patch the fixtures (or ignore if working with DALI only)
DALI programming has changed on Interface '?' since the ballast configuration was last uploaded Update the DALI ballasts, see DALI
Timeline '?' uses Timecode Bus '?' but no input is connected to that source Ensure that the timecode source routed to that bus
Timeline '?' uses Audio Bus '?' but no input is connected to that source Ensure that the audio source routed to that bus
Timeline '?' uses band '?' on Audio Bus '?' which is not provided by the assigned input Select a band that is available for that bus, or change the source for the bus
Trigger '?' will not be matched because controller '?' is not a TPC Reconfigure the trigger with the correct Controller number
Trigger '?' is set to match on controller '?', but no controller has that number Reconfigure the trigger with the correct Controller number
'?' is set to match with '?' module number '?' on any controller, but no such module is configured Add and configure the Expansion Module
'?' is set to match with '?' module number '?' on controller '?', but no such module is configured Add and configure the Expansion Module
'?' is set to match with '?', but no such device is configured Add and configure the Remote Device
'?' has an incomplete remote device identifier Reconfigure the trigger or action with the correct Remote Device identifier
There are Astronomical triggers in the project, but the project location appears to have not been set Set a location for the project, see Location
Trigger '?' requires input '?' on controller '?' to be configured as a digital input or contact closure The Controller's input has been configured incorrectly, see Controller Interfaces
Trigger '?' requires input '?' on controller '?' to be configured as an analog input The Controller's input has been configured incorrectly, see Controller Interfaces
Trigger '?' is set to match with controller '?', which doesn't have digital inputs Choose a Controller that does have digital inputs
Trigger '?' is set to match with controller '?', which doesn't have analog inputs Choose a Controller that does have analog inputs
Trigger '?' requires a serial port, but controller '?' doesn't have a serial port Choose a Controller that does have a serial port
Trigger '?' is set to match with controller '?', which requires the serial port to be set to 1 Controller only supports one serial port, so set the trigger serial port to 1
Trigger '?' requires the serial port on controller '?' to be set to RS232 Reconfigure the serial port of the Controller to use the correct mode, see Controller Interfaces
Trigger '?' uses the RS485 serial port, but controller '?' doesn't have an RS485 serial port Reconfigure the trigger to use a Controller that does have an RS285 serial port
Trigger '?' requires a valid RS485 port number Reconfigure the trigger with the correct port number (1, unless using two RS485 modules on one Controller, in which case 2 may be valid)
Trigger '?' requires the serial port on controller '?' to be set to RS485 Reconfigure the serial port of the Controller to use the correct mode, see Controller Interfaces
Trigger '?' requires a valid DMX In port number Reconfigure the trigger with the correct port number (1, unless using two DMX-In modules on one Controller, in which case 2 may be valid)
Trigger '?' is set to match with controller '?', which requires the DMX In port to be set to 1 Controller only supports one DMX input port, so set the trigger DMX port to 1
Trigger '?' requires the serial port on controller '?' to be set to DMX Reconfigure the serial port of the Controller to use the correct mode, see Controller Interfaces
Trigger '?' is set to match with controller '?', but that controller has disabled DMX In Reconfigure the DMX input for the Controller, see Controller Interfaces.
Trigger '?' uses the MIDI In port, but controller '?' doesn't have a MIDI In port Reconfigure the trigger to use a Controller with a MIDI In port
Trigger '?' requires a valid Audio module number Reconfigure the trigger with the correct Module number
Trigger '?' requires a valid DALI Slave module number Reconfigure the trigger with the correct Module number
Condition '?' will not be tested on controller '?' because the controller doesn't support digital inputs Reconfigure the trigger with a controller that does support digital inputs
Condition '?' requires input '?' on controller '?' to be configured as a digital input or contact closure The Controller's input has been configured incorrectly, see Controller Interfaces
Condition '?' will not be tested on controller '?' because the controller doesn't support analog inputs Choose a Controller that does have analog inputs
Condition '?' on trigger '?' requires a valid DMX In port number Reconfigure the trigger with the correct port number
Action '?' is set to run on controller '?', but no controller has that number Reconfigure the trigger with the correct Controller number
Action '?' will not be run because controller '?' isn't a TPC Reconfigure the trigger with the correct Controller number
Action '?' requires a serial port, but controller '?' doesn't have a serial port Choose a Controller that does have a serial port
Action '?' is set to use controller '?', which requires the serial port to be set to 1 Controller only supports one serial port, so set the action serial port to 1
Action '?' requires the serial port on controller '?' to be set to RS232 Reconfigure the serial port of the Controller to use the correct mode, see Controller Interfaces
Action '?' uses the RS485 serial port, but controller '?' doesn't have an RS485 serial port Reconfigure the action to use a Controller that does have an RS285 serial port
Action '?' on trigger '?' requires a valid RS485 port number Reconfigure the trigger with the correct port number
Action '?' requires the serial port on controller '?' to be set to RS485 Reconfigure the serial port of the Controller to use the correct mode, see Controller Interfaces
Action '?' uses the MIDI Out port, but controller '?' doesn't have a MIDI Out port Reconfigure the trigger to use a Controller with a MIDI Out port
Action '?' is using the same variable to select the BPS number and the button number Check the variables assigned to these fields in the action properties
Trigger '?' requires input '?' on '?' to be configured as a digital input or contact closure The RIO's input has been configured incorrectly, see Remote Devices
Trigger '?' requires '?' to be configured as an Audio input device The RIO has been configured incorrectly, see Remote Devices
Trigger '?' uses frequency band '?' on '?' but that device doesn't provide that band Select a band that is available for that device, or reconfigure the RIO, see Remote Devices
Condition '?' requires input '?' on '?' to be configured as a digital input or contact closure

The RIO's input has been configured incorrectly, see Remote Devices

Condition '?' expects all inputs on '?' to be configured as either digital inputs or contact closures The RIO's input has been configured incorrectly, see Remote Devices
Condition '?' requires input '?' on '?' to be configured as an analog input The RIO's input has been configured incorrectly, see Remote Devices
Ethernet Bus '?' uses port '?'. This clashes with the internal web server and will prevent correct operation of controller '?' Reconfigure the Ethernet bus to use a different port
Ethernet Bus '?' uses port '?'. This clashes with file transfer and will prevent correct operation of controller '?' Reconfigure the Ethernet bus to use a different port
Controller '?' is outputting KiNet so ensure the DHCP server on protocol network interface is serving an IP address on the same network as the patched power supplies Configure the DHCP server to use a IP address
Controller '?' is outputting KiNET so ensure that the protocol network interface IP address is on the same network as the patched power supplies Reconfigure the Protocol port to use a IP address
Multiple KiNet power supplies have the IP address '?' Reconfigure power supplies to use unique IP addresses
Controller '?' is outputting KiNet so ensure that the controller IP address is on the same network as the patched power supplies Reconfigure the Controller to use a IP address
Controller '?' doesn't have a valid IP address for Network 2 Reconfigure the Protocol port to use a valid IP address
Controller '?' doesn't have a interface file for the screen The TPC in the project doesn't have an associated Interface Editor file, see Controller Properties

Controller '?' (TPC) has been configured with an EXT but there is no EXT discovered

Connect the Controller to an EXT or uncheck the 'Configure EXT' checkbox in Controller Interfaces.
Controller '?' (TPC) has patch for DMX 1 but has not been configured with an EXT or proxy LPC Connect the Controller to an EXT or LPC 1 for DMX output. Alternatively remove DMX patch from the controller.

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